Thinking about making the switch to Rogers Business InternetTM? Here’s what to expect.

Minimized downtime
If your customers expect to access the internet at your workplace, or your employees rely on productivity-driving apps like Microsoft 365 or G Suite, then your Wi-Fi connection is crucial to your business, just like your point-of-sale machines and your website. So, if your primary internet connection is literally severed due to any number of factors outside your business’s or your internet provider’s control, such as a traffic or construction accident, or extreme weather, it can take up to 12 hours for consumer-grade internet services (which may be labeled “for business”) to be repaired. That’s potentially 12 hours of lost productivity and revenue that can have an overall impact on how customers view your brand. But with Rogers Business Internet, your connection will be repaired within four hours or less.*
Little to no malware attacks
Built-in network-level security is another feature that sets Rogers Business Internet apart. Since most malware attacks are launched when an employee falls for a phishing scam by clicking on a seemingly innocuous link that’s anything but, Rogers Business Internet automatically blocks the request to the malicious website, helping to minimize malware attacks. The result is obvious: peace of mind when it comes to pop-up plagues, unexpected crashes, suspicious slowdowns, sudden freezes, mysterious program openings or unwanted toolbars. But most importantly, this protection helps prevent your data and applications from being stolen or held hostage by ransomware.
Business-grade customer service
Last but not least, business-grade internet means you should get business-grade customer service. For technical issues, you should be able to reach an expert 24/7. But business-grade customer services should also go beyond technical issues. There are a lot of telecom solutions that can help take your business to the next level, and not only should your provider easily implement those for you, but they should also be able to advise you on what the best solutions are for your business. With Rogers Business Internet, you have access to our specialists who can do exactly that.
*Repair timeframes vary by region.